Primary Sources


Five Stone Inscriptions Carved on Three Tablets


§  Stone Inscription of 1489, Hong-zhi Stele (弘治碑), Record of the Rebuilding of the Pure and Truth Temple (重建清真寺记) — extant

§  Stone Inscription of 1512, Zheng-de Stele (正德碑), Record of Temple that Respected the Way and the Scripture (尊崇道经寺记) — extant

§  Stone Inscription of 1663a, Kang-xi Stele a (康熙碑a), Record of the Rebuilding of Pure and Truth Temple (重建清真寺记) — ink rubbing available

§  Stone Inscription of 1663b, Kang-xi Stele b (康熙碑b), Acknowledgements on the Back of the Tablet (碑阴提名) — text available

§  Stone Inscription of 1679, Record of the History of the Ancestral Hall (祠堂述古碑记) — extant


Synagogue Plaques


§  Ai Clan Memorial Archway (艾氏牌坊)

§  Zhao Clan Memorial Archway (赵氏牌坊)

§  Twenty-three horizontal wooden plaques (匾)

§  Seventeen vertical wooden plaques (联)


Synagogue Books


§  Torah (妥拉)

§  Square Scriptures (方经)

§  Miscellaneous Scriptures(散经)

§  Chinese-Hebrew Memorial Book (汉文-希伯来文谱牒)


Chinese Official Records


§  Annals of Zhen-zhong, 真宗紀

§  Code of Yuan, 元典章

§  History of Yuan, 元史

§  Local Gazetteers 地方志

§  Veritable Records of Ming Tai-zu, 明太祖实录

§  Veritable Records of Ming Ying-zong, 明英宗实录

§  Veritable Records of the Ming (明实录)


Chinese non-official Records


§  Diary of the Defence of Kaifeng, 守汴日志, c. 1650

§  New Tales from the Mountain Dweller, 山居新話, 1360

§  Record as in a Dream, 如梦录, c. 1650


Writings of early Arabs and Europeans adventurers


§  Ibn Wahab, 815

§  Soleiman al-Tajir (苏莱曼), 851

§  Abu Zayd Hasan al-Sirafi (賽義德哈桑), 878

§  Eldad HaDani (埃尔达德但尼), 880

§  Ibn Shahriyar, 953

§  Benjamin of Tudela (都德拉的便雅闵), 1170

§  Marco Polo (马可波罗), 1286

§  John of Montecorvino (蒙特考维诺的约翰), 1299

§  Andrew of Perugia (贝茹奇亚的安德茹), 1326

§  John of Marignolli ((马瑞格诺力的约翰), 1342

§  Ibn Battuta (伊本白图泰), 1354

§  Galeote Pereira, 1565


Letters of early Jesuits


§  Father Matteo Ricci (利玛窦), 1605

§  Father Jean-Paul Gozani (骆保禄), 1704

§  Father Jean Domenge (孟正气), 1721

§  Father Antoine Gaubil (宋君荣), 1723


Publications of missionaries and visitors


§  George Smith (施美夫), Qiu Tian-sheng (邱天生), Jiang Rong-ji (蒋荣基), 1851

§  W.A.P. Martin (丁韪良), 1866

§  Samuel Schereschewsky (施约瑟), 1867

§  Jacob L. Liebermann (利伯曼), 1867

§  Dennis J. Mills (密尔斯), 1890

§  A.S. Annaud, 1893

§  Hong Jun (洪钧), 1897

§  Jonas Lehmann (雷曼), 1899

§  Simeone Volonteri (安西滿), 1899

§  Robert Powell (鲍威尔), 1900

§  Philippe Berthelot (贝特洛), 1905

§  Oliver Bainbrige (班布里奇), 1906

§  Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim (马达汉), 1908

§  Zhang Xiang-wen (张相文), 1910

§  Shi Jing-xun (时经训), 1913

§  Charles Daniel Tenney (丁家立), 1918

§  Harry Alverson Franck (弗兰克), 1923

§  Arthur Sopher (索菲), 1924

§  Horne and Sokolsky, 1924

§  Donald MacGillivray (季理斐), 1928

§  David Abraham Brown (布郎), 1932

§  Walter Fuchs (福克斯), 1937

§  Harrison Forman (福尔曼), 1938

§  Sogabe Shizuo and Mikami Teicho, 1940

§  William Charles White (怀履光), 1910–1935


Other sources


§  Account of Tie Ding-an (铁定安), 1849

§  Letter from Zhao Nian-zu (赵念祖), 1850

§  Interviews with Li Jing-cheng (李金诚) and others in Shanghai, c. 1902